we have a 2 1/2 year old girl who adores him. unfortunately he spends very little time with us as most of his time is spent in the taverns and with his friends and sex workers.How to deal with an alcoholic husband?
Have him drink at home and watch porn.How to deal with an alcoholic husband?
You have to decide where you stand on the issue. If your ok with your child being raised in that environment for the sake of the little time he gives his family then you'll have to leave it at that. However, if you want a better life for your child then your husband is providing, with a safe and secure home life, then you need to approach your husband and tell him. Either he slows down on the drink and spends more time with the family or your going to take your child and you will give her a safe and loving home life without him. Alcoholics at home is a horrible way to grow up, my husband and i rescued a child from an environment like that and he had some major emotional issues. This isn't something you should take lightly. You really need to do some hard thinking about how you want your child to grow up and act accordingly.
Sit him down and start by showing how much of his income is being wasted at the bars. Then show him a time table of how much time he wastes that he could be devoting to his daughter and you and things to be done around the house. Then hit him with the fact that whether he wants to admit it or not, that he does have a drinking problem. There's a test he can take or you can give him that is available at any AA meeting place.
Please try Al-Anon. This is a program that helps family or friends of alcoholics. You are not responsible for his drinking. You didn't cause it-you can't control it - you can't cure it. In Al-Anon you will find people who are going through or have gone through what you are going through now. When you go to a meeting you will find that you are not alone, you will find acceptance,validation,support and love. You will also learn as you work the program that it doesn't matter if your alcoholic is drinking or not.The quality of your life will improve greatly and you will be able to make the best decisions for you and your child.
My mom wasted 10 years of her life waiting for my dad to get better. She finally came to her senses and drew the line. I wish for her sake, and the sake of us kids, that she had done it sooner. Talk to him and tell him it's either you or the alcohol, and ask him to go to marriage counseling with you. If he refuses, call an attorney. Don't waste your life, and that of your child, being miserable with a husband who is incapable of taking care of you and your child. Your kid deserves better. You do, too.
You need to understand how badly living with an alcoholic will affect your child. He will get worse and you will be miserable. My dad was a drinker until I was 9 years old. I was traumatized by some of the fights he and my mother had. It is no life for a child. Your husband isn't around anyway - so he is not being a father. Please - do yourself a favor - get some help and set yourself and your child free until he straightens out.
You might not like my answer, but you need to get out now.
It's going to hurt your kid, but you need to do it while she's still young and can get over it. If you don't things will more than likely just keep going down hill, and believe me from expierience, your kid will wish you guys had divorced a long time ago if you don't. On the other hand, if you do get a divorce, make him go through rehab and make sure he cleans up his act to even be able to see your child.
There is nothing YOU can do. He has to do it and usually they have to have a crisis or hit rock bottom. Maybe if he came home some night and you and the baby have moved it will give him a reason..........if you do this make sure he stays clean and sober for longer than a day...........
It might take a matter of months.
You and your daughter might love him....and he might love the both of you, but, it's a disease and your daughter depends on YOU to make sure she doesn't have to grow up this way.
You choice should come easy do what is BEST for your daughter not you or your husband.
Not always the easiest choice but the right one.
My daughter was 5 when I took her from an environment of alcohol and drugs and moved half way across the country. I did this in a weeks time I moved my stuff in 1 day and had a family member help me avoid him...The best thing I ever did for ALL of us concerned.....He quit the alcohol and drugs moved in with his parents went to rehab and my daughter didn't have to deal with it and neither did I.
I pray for your strength to carry you thru and for your daughter to live a normal life.
What are you hanging around for? Do you like making love to a drunk? Do you think your child wants to go out and play with a drunk? or do you think he would embarrass her? Maybe you believe his promises that he will quit? Maybe you think he can quit on his own? I am sure he tells you its not a problem he just needs to relax.
Do you get the idea yet? He is an alcoholic! Without help he will NEVER get better! That means professional help! You can not help him!
LEAVE! Get away! IF you won't do it for yourself do it for your daughter! Or will you wait until he is driving and kills someone (maybe your own child)? Please get away not for both of you.
I'd just up and leave for a few days. Just a simple note stating that you're tired of being put on the back burner and you'll be back in a few days. If he really loves you then he'll use that time to think and then you demand he gets treatment/stops the drinking or you'll be gone for good.
Remind him that every step he takes there is that little girl following in his footsteps. When you're a parent every choice you make determines how your child is gonna turn out. Your daughter deserves better then that. Good luck and I hope it all works out for the best
Been there too. It was very hard and I understand what your going through. The first thing is to get yourself help, not just him. Al-Anon really helped me because I wasnt alone anymore, no one judges you, and they really understand what your going through. I left the link below for you. You will soon find that you can make a life for yourself and if he chooses to still drink, then thats a choice he made and you can make a choice too by starting to live your life. I really mean this from the bottom of my heart, that Al-Anon changed my life. I have now been married for twenty years and my husband stopped drinking eight years ago. It was tough going...an uphill battle. But you can make it through..YOU CAN! I am not a religious type of person, but I can tell you that talking and meeting with other people who are going through the same thing really helps. I wish you luck and I will keep you in my thoughts (although I dont know you). :)
maybe its time to leave him you want whats best for your daughter and if he drinks he may get out of control and may end up hurting her! or even you! my moms friend had the exact problem! but one day he got so drunk she finally decide to leave and it was to late!!!when she went to get into the truck to take her girls to school her drunkin husband came out with a riffale and made her lay on her back and he shot her 4 times he killed her in front of her kids!!!! Its was on the news and everything!!! please think about the situation your in! think about your daughter do whats best i hope this story helped!!! and good luck
Umm, leave him, wow I can't even believe you have to ask this question. Your kid comes first, and she needs a proper role model in her life, not an alcoholic who openely cheats, drinks, and obviously has no feelings for the both of you or things would be different.
If you love your daughter get her away from him. Give him the option to sober up or its over. She really should not have to grow up with that. Things that she is put through now and growing up will stick in her mind through adult hood. Please consider her life and your's. You don't need the stress and worry of this in your life either. Be Strong and stand up. Please!! I grew up with this!
I think you have given yourself the answer. You and your daughter are only going to have a miserable life and you owe it to her to give her a chance to grow up in happy surroundings. He obviously doesnt think he has a problem so wont make any effort to change or get help so I think you should leave him.
Wow.Ok. Its very hard question. Unfortunately not rare situation our days. Hard to advice, because it is depends on ur own feelings. I thinkm the most important, u need to realize what good can come out of such a Dad for ur child. What kind of example and care she will get. Of course personal happiness is also important. Ask urself, if u happy now. With this person, And u will find the answer. Anyway. U should talk. And try to settle it for future happines of ur kid. Thats the most important
My dad's an alcoholic too and i have no idea what to do with him, i guess there isn't really much you can do except to remind him that his whole family needs him, if he's a really heavy drinker then i guess you'll have to send him to rehab.
When people abuse any substance at the cost of their family, sometimes you have to walk away. Not because you don't love him, but because you deserve better. If he won't or can't stop on his own, then it will only continue to get worse.
If you stay with him you are enabling him. Leave him unless he agrees to go to AA and get help. He is a terrible role model for your child and he could bring a serious STD home to you. Have some backbone and get out of this terrible situation.
Go to Al-anon The younger the child is the better you can protect them by keeping them away from the destructiveness of alcoholism.[child of an alcoholic and mentally ill parent]
Like everyone else said, get out while you can.
Do it for your daughter. Don't you think it's sad that she adores a man who will only get worse and end up hurting her?
Do you really want your daughter around this kind of environment? I would have a serious talk with your husband and make him choose between his family or his beer. If he really loves you or your daughter he will make the right choice. Good luck
Leave him! If he's not willing to change, there is not much you can do. Go to Alanon classes, they are for people dealing with alcoholics.
maybe you should go to to AlAnon meetings to learn how to deal with an alcoholic family member
What kind of time is he spending with sex workers? If it's what I'm thinking, then you need to divorce him.
tell him good luck holding that bottle at night because i am outta here.
Just tell him what do you feel, but don't use too much words or he'll fall asleep. And when that doesn't works DIVORCE!!!!
For the sake of the child ,move on and don't look back...
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